Whether building a bench for your patio table, or fabricating a complex glass and metal architectural system, it’s important to get the measurements right the first time.
That’s especially true if you’re a glazier.
When installing glass, being a little short or too long is an unwanted surprise that adds time and cost to a project.
Then there’s the added layer that glaziers are busy. They tend to push-off taking measurements. It takes time and resources they often need for more pressing project work. And when they do get around to it, and make an error, they have a last-minute major headache.
Glass + Metal Craft has a better idea: we call it Assured Fitment™.
A few months back, I remember one of our senior project managers groaning, “If we measure it ourselves, it will be right.” And so, we said, let’s offer that.
Assured Fitment is our new, (we believe) industry-first guarantee. If you retain G+MC to take the on-site measurements for one of our architectural systems, it will fit within the intended space envelope or we will make any required changes to the system at our cost. No surprises.
Moreover, with us doing the measuring, the job can launch sooner. And that means the glazier can complete the job sooner and get paid sooner.
All In all, we think it’s a game-changer.
Assured Fitment is an extension of our involvement as the design engineer of the architectural system. We inherently understand what needs to be measured.
Given this knowledge and unique perspective, a G+MC technician comes to the installation site. Then, using laser-based technology to assess dimensions accurately in 3D to .9 mm at 10 meters, captures and inserts measurement data directly in the CAD for the system. That’s precise data right into the drawings.
Assured Fitment enables us to get it right the first time. And deliver an architectural system on time and at intended cost. In the weeks ahead, look for more blogs on this breakthrough process – including the one architectural system that we think begs for its application.